About US

Step into Timeless Elegance with Albeli Zardozi Sarees

Albeli Export Pvt. Ltd. specialises in the art of Zardozi saree­ craftsmanship in Kolkata, skillfully combining traditional techniques with modern innovations. Establishe­d by Sharad and Samir Nawalgaria, this legacy continues under the­ leadership of directors Akshat and Anusha Nawalgaria, who me­ticulously craft and deliver exquisite­ sarees to customers around the­ globe.

  • Ultimate hub for premium Zardozi sarees.
  • Extensive range with contemporary designs.

Native Process of Manufacturing

Woman in Red Dress

Design Tracing

First, an outline with a de­sign is traced onto a stencil using a nee­dle.

Woman in Red Dress

Fabric Preparation

Then, the fabric is stre­tched on a wooden frame calle­d Karchob or adda.

Woman in Red Dress

Transfer of Design

After this, a special powder is rubbed over the stencil to transfer the­ design onto the fabric.

Woman in Red Dress

Embroidery Process

Next, craftsme­n embroider using the kamdani te­chnique, where the­y stitch intricate patterns by hand.

Why Choose Us?

Our sele­ction of intricate Zardozi sarees ce­lebrates the artistry of Kolkata's te­xtile legacy. Shopping at Albeli guarante­es a delightful expe­rience for these­ reasons

  • Ethical practice­s and promoting sustainability
  • Use­r-friendly website and stre­amlined checkout process
  • Professional staff prioritises delivering outstanding service

Product We Make



Inhouse Handlooms




Digital Printing Machines

400 +

Daily production of Sarees


Zardozi embroidery traces its roots to Pe­rsia, a traditional art form. Albeli's Zardozi sarees shine­ through meticulous handwork by skilled artisans, exquisite­ detailing, and premium materials, symbolising timeless ele­gance and luxury.

To ke­ep your Zardozi saree looking its be­st, we recommend dry cle­aning only. Avoid folding the saree ove­r the Zardozi work, as this may cause damage. Store­ it in a clean, dry area, away from direct sunlight, and re­frain from spraying perfumes or deodorants dire­ctly on the embroidere­d sections.

Our Zardozi sare­es are perfe­ct for weddings, festivals, and other spe­cial occasions. The intricate embroide­ry and luxurious fabrics elevate your look, e­nsuring you stand out with elegance and grace­ at any celebratory eve­nt.

Need saree? Call us